My sister came from abroad to visit and had no time to come over to Alkhobar, she only had ten days and wanted to do Umrah ,go to Madeenah munawarah and visit with mom and dad ,and the whole family lives in Jeddah,so I went to see her and the whole clan.
The trip was sandy from the day we set forth from Alkhobar through a sandstorm and as we returned we were caught in a rainstorm ,including lightening and....surprise a sandstorm as well!!I mean have you ever been through such a weird thing??SubhanAllah,it was raining and we could see the lightening at the same time on the road in front of us we could see the sand in waves...the cars became red with sand the front windows were all wet,the side windows were all covered with sand!!
we had to stop at a gas station for fear of being carried away by the storm...it was a minnie hurricane in fact, and it was in the middle of no-man's land
500 kilometers from Tayif and 500KM away from Riyadh at a place called Thulam(darkness)!!