Saturday, August 25, 2007

Thanks,Rosy pink dreams,this is me

Which Disney Princess Are You?

You are part Ariel. You are beautiful but impaired. At times you are naïve. Still, your innocence and good heart make you sought after and loved.
You are part Cinderella. You are hard-working and never complain, however, your trust is sometimes misplaced and people sometimes take advantage of you. Still, you are beautiful inside and out, and one day you will realize it and find true love.
Find Your Character @

Gloomy.....after the baby and mom went home :(

Well,everything has an end, and my daughter left to her house yesterday taking the baby and his sister,to go back to her husband and her own apartment.
It's too quiet now in my house...I miss them sooooooooo,especialy the sound of the baby crying..I think I must pay them a visit this afternoon(just to check how things are going...heheheheh).

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Net catch!!

Isn't this beautiful!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sea treasures

We spent the weekend on a new beach and since the sea there was very deep we found a lot of driftwood,shells and dry sea creatures......

On the first day the weather was beautiful,the next day there was a storm and so the waves were very high,my kids had a very bad experience with the high waves,my son had to take the fishing-net with his father in to the deep and the waves were overwhelming.My daughter went in to swim with her father and the high waves really got her and she nearly drowned,but alhamdulillah they got out and swam in the mini pool.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Educated kids!!

We were all sitting and talking last Friday after lunch...when the kids really started making so much noise we couldn't hear each other so I got them their tiny books and asked them to read a little....hehehehe READ!!
Couldn't let this pass without showing it off :)

The big event....shaving the baby's head!!

In Islam it is one of the sunnahs(doings of the Prophet,peace be upon him) that the newborn have his hair shaved,and the weight of the hair in silver be given to the poor.So the uncle shaved the hair and the father will take it to the goldsmith to be weighed.

More about the newborn in Islam:

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Busy with potty training!

My nearly three-year-old grandaughter is having a hard time dealing with the new baby and potty-training simultaneously.......
So her mom and I did a search and google and we found this:
exactly her behaviour :)


My three-year-old will have nothing to do with the potty. She's in pull-ups but treats them like diapers. I think we goofed because for two days we put her in panties and she only had two wet accidents. But she was afraid to have a b.m. When she finally did, it was in her panties and she was obviously ashamed. We weren't angry, but frustrated and she knew it. Now she will only go on the potty when she feels like having a candy, which we give her as a prize. I don't want to force her to try. She just cries. Can you help?

to see the rest read here:

About Me

My photo
Alkhobar, Saudi Arabia
أنا جدة سعودية ولدي هوايات كثيرة من ضمنهاالطبخ الخياطة الأعمال الفنية والتصوير...وبالذات تصوير البحر و الطيور والمراكب البحرية ... I am a Saudi Arabian grandma,I have many hobbies,sewing,crafting,cooking and of course taking photos especially of the sea,birds and boats...