Sunday, June 29, 2008

Summer clean-up!!

I couldn't have chosen a more unappropriate time to do this but I need more space and since I am a hoarder I have so much junk thta needs to be sorted and most will be sent where some people can make use of it and the rest to the garbage.
I did ask a very neat friend of mine a long time ago how she kept her house so tidy and she said:"throw away everything you are not using."
Should've litened to her :)

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About Me

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Alkhobar, Saudi Arabia
أنا جدة سعودية ولدي هوايات كثيرة من ضمنهاالطبخ الخياطة الأعمال الفنية والتصوير...وبالذات تصوير البحر و الطيور والمراكب البحرية ... I am a Saudi Arabian grandma,I have many hobbies,sewing,crafting,cooking and of course taking photos especially of the sea,birds and boats...